Carers of West Dunbartonshire have reopened the Carers Centre. If you wish to visit the Carers Centre, please call 0141 941 1550 to book an appointment. Safety measures are available at Staff continue to be available via telephone or email.
A carer is someone of any age who provides unpaid care to a relative or friend, who because of their disability, illness, frailty, addiction or other need, would not otherwise be able to live independently at home.
Caring for someone can impact on the person providing care in many different ways, including financially, physically and emotionally and socially.
The HSCP is committed to ensuring that carers are treated as equal partners in providing care and that they have access to a range of services which will support them, if required, to reduce the impact of caring. There are a number of things in place to help us do this. We have introduced eligibility criteria and provide Easy Read information to help explain what this means. To help inform decisions about the best way to reduce the impact of caring, we use an Adult Carer Assessment and Support Plan. More information can be found by clicking the links in the panel on the right.
We work in partnership with Carers of West Dunbartonshire, who provide carer support within the area.