West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) brings together both NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's (NHSGGC) and West Dunbartonshire Council's (WDC) responsibilities for community based health and social care services within a single and integrated structure.
Information will be held both electronically and in a paper format and only be accessed by authorised personnel to provide you with the appropriate service within the HSCP. It may be necessary to share information with external agencies and if this is the case then we will ask you for consent if no statutory requirement exists.
In order to comply with Data Protection Act 2018 we will always ensure that any personal data that we process will be handled fairly, lawfully and with justification.
If you have any queries please discuss this with the member of staff who is supporting you.
If you require further information please contact:
dataprotection@ggc.scot.nhs.uk for any health related issues or
dataprotection@west-dunbarton.gov.uk if the enquiry relates to social care related enquiries.
West Dunbartonshire Council Privacy Statement