• HSCP Engagement Strategy 2024 -2027

    This document includes the strategy, the delivery plan and equalities impact assessment. The Participation and Engagement Strategy 2024-2027 aims to build active, inclusive, and strong community relationships between the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and the residents of West Dunbartonshire.

  • WDHSCP Winter Plan 2024-25

    This plan sets out the core and additional activity to be undertaken by the HSCP in preparation for Winter 2024/25. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have an overarching Winter Plan for 2024/25, which includes all six HSCPs across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area, this has been reflected in the local West Dunbartonshire HSCP Winter Plan.

  • Duty of Candour

    The duty of candour applies to the health and social care services provided by West Dunbartonshire HSCP. The focus of the duty of candour is to ensure that organisations are open, honest and supportive when there is an unexpected or unintended incident resulting in harm or death to an individual.

  • WDHSCP Strategic Plan 2023-26: Improving Lives Together

    The West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership Board are delighted to present Improving Lives Together, our strategic plan for 2023–2026, and the associated delivery plan.

  • WDHSCP Improving Lives Together: Delivery Plan 2023-26

    The West Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Board is pleased to present its delivery plan, accompanying its strategic plan for 2023–2026: Improving Lives Together. Within this delivery plan we present what actions the HSCP and, where appropriate, its partners will undertake to implement Improving Lives Together.

  • WDHSCP Strategic Plan 2023-26 Improving Lives Together Easy Read

    Strategic Plan 2023-26 Improving Lives Together Easy Read

  • WDHSCP Unscheduled Care Commissioning

    As required by legislation, the Partnership Board is responsible for strategic planning for unscheduled care with respect to the population of West Dunbartonshire. In doing this, it is obliged to work closely with the Health Board as well the other Integration Joint Boards within the Greater Glasgow & Clyde area. Unscheduled care is the unplanned treatment or care of an individual usually as a result of an emergency or urgent event. This usually takes the form of presentation at Accident and Emergency services which can result in an admission to hospital.

  • HSCP Direction Policy

    The policy seeks to enhance governance, transparency and accountability between the HSCPB and its partner organisations, West Dunbartonshire Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde by clarifying responsibilities and relationships. The policy has been developed to ensure compliance with Scottish Government statutory guidance on directions.