The voting members from the elected members of the Council are:
Councillor Fiona Hennebry (Vice Chair)
Councillor Michelle McGinty
Councillor Martin Rooney
The voting members from the non-executive directors of the Health Board are:
Michelle Wailes (Chair)
Lesley MacDonald
Libby Cairns
Non Voting Members
Beth Culshaw – as the Chief Officer of the Health and Social Care Partnership Board.
Julie Slavin – as Chief Financial Officer of the Health and Social Care Partnership Board.
Lesley James– as the Chief Social Work Officer of the Health and Social Care Partnership Board.
Dr Saied Pourghazi – as Clinical Director for the Health and Social Care Partnership.
Val Tierney – Chief Nurse of the Health and Social Care Partnership.
Vacant (Chief of Medicine) as NHSGGC Acute Division Medical Clinician (professional advisor) appointee.
Helen Little, (MSK Physiotherapy Manager) as Lead Allied Health Professional for the Health and Social Care Partnership.
John Kerr - Housing Development and Homeless Manager, West Dunbartonshire Council
Vacant (GP) as Chair of the HSCP's Locality Group for the Alexandria and Dumbarton area
Diana McCrone (BAOT) as NHSGGC Staffside/Trade Union appointee
Vacant - as WDC Staff Side/Trade Union appointee
Vacant - as Chair of the HSCP's Locality Group for the Clydebank area.
Selina Ross - as Chief Officer of West Dunbartonshire CVS (Third Sector Interface).
Barbara Barnes – Chair of the HSCP’s Locality Engagement Network for the Alexandria & Dumbarton area.
Anne McDougall– Chair of the HSCP’s Locality Engagement Network for the Clydebank area.
Kim McNab - Service Manager for Carers of West Dunbartonshire
David Smith, Unpaid Carer Representative
Roles, Responsibilities and membership of Integration Joint Board