The Public Bodies (Joint Working) Act (Scotland) 2014 sets out the arrangements for the integration of health and social care across Scotland. The Integration Scheme for West Dunbartonshire details the arrangement by which NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board and West Dunbartonshire Council agreed to formally delegate health and social care services for adults and children to a third body, which is described in the Act as an Integration Joint Board. The Integration Joint Board for West Dunbartonshire is known as the West Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership Board.

The Health & Social Care Partnership Board is responsible for the operational oversight of West Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership (WDHSCP), which is the joint delivery vehicle for those integrated services delegated to the Integration Joint Board (except for NHS acute hospital services) as set out within its integration scheme. The West Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership Board was formally established on the 1st July 2015, with WDHSCP becoming "live" on that same date.

The WDHSCP vision is that:

Everyone in West Dunbartonshire lives in a place they can call home, in communities that care, doing things that matter to them, leading healthy, happy and fulfilling lives, and, when they need it, receiving care and support that prioritises independence, control, choice and recovery.

The WDHSCP mission is to:

Improve lives with the people of West Dunbartonshire.

To achieve our vision and mission, we have identified 4 strategic outcome areas – Caring Communities, Safe and Thriving Communities, Equal Communities and Healthy Communities.  Each of these has associated outcomes and priorities which are detailed within our strategic plan for 2023-2026: Improving Lives Together

Improving Lives Together has been shaped by our achievements and by the challenges we face.  Recognising the impact of COVID-19 as well as the cost of living crisis being experienced across our communities, Improving Lives Together also drew upon our strategic needs assessment and an extensive consultation with local stakeholders. As part of that consultation, we’ve recorded and published the feedback we received alongside how we’ve responded and improved the plan based upon that feedback.

To make Improving Lives Together more accessible, we’ve published an Easy Read version.  Improving Lives Together should be read alongside our Delivery Plan which details many of the actions we’ll take over the next three years to improve lives together.

Improving Lives Together and our Delivery Plan can be located via the links above or by following the “Health and Social Care Partnership Board” link below. 

For more information on Improving Lives Together, please contact, Strategy and Transformation Manager by email: