
West Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) is a strategic, multi-agency group tasked by the Scottish Government to reduce harm caused by alcohol and drug use.

Background and Rationale

The Audit Scotland Update on Drug and Alcohol Services (May 2019) highlighted the need for progress in relation to:

  • Effective performance monitoring
  • Clear actions and timescales
  • Clear costings, with spending linked to outcomes
  • Public performance reporting
  • Evaluating harm-reduction programmes.

Responding to this, the Partnership Delivery Framework to Reduce the Use of and Harm from Alcohol and Drugs (July 2019) set out the shared ambition and expectations for local ADPs.  ADPs continue to lead the development and delivery of a local comprehensive and evidence based strategy to deliver local outcomes. This should be achieved through applying a whole system approach to deliver sustainable change for the health and wellbeing of local populations (for more on whole system approach see Substance Prevention Strategy).

This WDADP strategy outlines local contribution to achieving the objectives of national policies in the following areas of work:

  1. Prevention and Early Intervention
  2. Recovery Oriented Systems of Care
  3. Getting it Right for Children, Young People and Families
  4. Public Health Approach to Justice

The strategy and delivery plans have been refreshed in the context of the WDHSCP COVID-19 Recovery Plan (ADD LINK HERE WHEN PUBLISHED)

WDADP Contact Information

The work of the ADP is coordinated by a dedicated Strategy Officer.  Information is available and contact can be made as follows:

  • Website – WDADP Webpages can be accessed at
  • Email – the ADP can be contacted by email at
  • Twitter – The ADP does not have a dedicated Twitter account. Tweets will be shared by ADP members and using the hashtag #WDADP.  Substance Use Prevention Strategy work uses the hashtag #WDSUPS

Further Information:

WDADP Structure and Governance Chart 
