To support effective implementation of the Quality Principles, the Scottish Government commissioned the Care Inspectorate to undertake a programme of validated self-evaluation across Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) in Scotland.
Standard Reporting Template, West Dunbartonshire ADP Annual Report 2014-15
Scottish Government Publication
This Delivery Plan is designed to reflect the goals of the Partnership, as contained within the West Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drug Strategy 2011 – 2013. It supports a needs-led approach to the planning, delivery and monitoring of local addiction services and indicates the direction of travel for alcohol and drug related supports and services available to individuals across the short, medium and long term.
The focus of this commissioning strategy reflects the requirements of Scottish Government as they relate to the provision of alcohol and drug services which address prevention, and support recovery from problems associated with alcohol and drug addiction. It forms part of a suite of commissioning strategies covering the breadth of operational responsibilities of West Dunbartonshire Community Health and Care Partnership (developed jointly on behalf of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and West Dunbartonshire Council).
The focus of this commissioning strategy reflects the requirements of Scottish Government as they relate to the provision of community based older people‟s services. It forms part of a suite of commissioning strategies covering the breadth of operational responsibilities of West Dunbartonshire Community Health and Care Partnership (developed jointly on behalf of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and West Dunbartonshire Council).
The Same as You? (SAY) is the policy that was launched by the Scottish Executive in May 2000 to review services for people with learning disabilities and people on the autistic spectrum. It contained 29 recommendations intended to drive a change programme which would improve services.
West Dunbartonshire Council held its sixth annual Learning Disability Consultation Event for Service Users in Dumbarton Burgh Hall on 21st November 2013. Simultaneously a carers consultation was carried out. The details of this can be seen in the Carers Report.
People with learning disabilities have the same rights and responsibilities as other people. National standards are needed to make sure that people with learning disabilities keep these rights and responsibilities when they are staying in a care home.
The purpose of the consultation was to gain knowledge of what carers thought of existing Learning Disability Services that the person they were caring for was receiving, and if it could be improved.
Looking Ahead Learning Disability Newsletter 2018
Looking Ahead Learning Disability Newsletter Spring 2018
Looking Ahead The Learning Disability Newsletter Autumn 2017
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Looking Ahead The Learning Disability Newsletter Autum/Winter 2016
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Looking Ahead The Learning Disability Newsletter Spring 2015
The West Dunbartonshire Partnership is pleased to present its second Joint Sensory Impairment Strategy for 2010 - 2014. The strategy sets out plans for Sensory Impairment Services across the West Dunbartonshire area.
The development of a resource for health and social care professionals to assist people with a vision impairment manage their medicines
This resource has been developed for Pharmacists and other health care staff as a ‘hints and tips’ guide to making it easier for people with visual impairments to manage their medicines. The best way for health care staff to help patients get the most from their medicines is to simply ask how they are managing with their medicines and try to find a mutually appropriate solution for each patient.
It is a privilege to introduce this updated Scottish Vision Strategy, which has played a huge part in developing Scotland’s eye care services over the last few years. This document lays out how this success can be built upon to meet our ambition to create consistent world class eye care services. The strategy is Scotland’s contribution to the World Health Assembly’s resolution to eliminate avoidable sight loss by 2020.