• Child Protection Medical Dispute Resolution Guidance

    The purpose of this guidance is to set out a process to resolve differences of clinical view on child protection. It sets out the arrangements for the resolution of medical disputes in child protection cases and clarifies how to escalate an issue and who in the organisation can decide on how to proceed in a case where there is dispute between doctors.

  • Child Trafficking in the UK snapshot

    This snapshot report provides an overview of the state of modern slavery affecting children in the UK, compiling the latest statistics and recent policy developments on this important issue.

  • Guidance on Child Sexual Exploitation A Practitioners Resource Pack

    This document aims to provide advice, information and support about best practice in responding to a concern that a child may be at risk of FGM or has experienced FGM.

  • Guideline for Emergency Departments, Minor Injury Units and Receiving Units where a child or Young Person presents under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs - Guidance

    This guideline covers the whole of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board area and provides a framework to help Emergency Medicine health professionals identify concerns and those intoxicated children/young people at risk, undertake a standard assessment and ensure an appropriate response. This response may include referral for a full single/multi agency needs/risk assessment or an opportunistic brief intervention with the provision of health promotion/harm reduction advice and information.

  • Joint Inspection of Services to protect Children and Young People in the WDC area March 2012

    The inspection of services to protect children in the West Dunbartonshire Council area was carried out in October and November 2011. We looked at the services provided by health, the police, the council and the Children's Reporter. We also looked at the services provided by voluntary and independent organisations. Our report describes how good they are at protecting children and keeping them safe.

  • National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland (SG 2014)

    This guidance references the anticipated new ways of working and procedures which some Community Planning Partnership areas are already implementing. This will help to minimise any update ahead of commencement once the guidance to support

  • National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland (2014) Additional Notes for Practitioners: Protecting Disabled Children from Abuse and Neglect

    These additional practice notes have been designed to be readi in conjunction with local single and inter-agency child protection procedures and the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland which was refreshed in 2014, particularly Part 4, "Child Protection in Specific Circumstances". Other relevant legislation, guidance and policy specifically relating to disabled children can be found at Appendix 1.

  • Procedure for notification for child deaths

    This procedure sets out communication processes within NHSGGC when there is an unexpected child death.

  • Protecting Children and Young People, Child Protection Committees

    This guidance makes clear Ministers’ expectations of Chief Officers in fulfilling their responsibilities in respect of child protection and how CPCs across Scotland, as key local inter-agency bodies, contribute to the delivery of the child protection agenda.

  • Recognition and Management of Maltreatment in Infants (Under 1s) Guideline

    This document aims to assist clinicians in the management of children who present with an injury under the age of 1 year and where there are concerns about their welfare and protection.

  • Responding to Forced Marriages Multi Agency Practice Guidance

    The Scottish Parliament passed the Forced Marriage etc. (Protection and Jurisdiction)(Scotland) Act 2011 (referred to in this document as the ‘Forced Marriage Act’) both to protect people from being forced to marry without their free and full consent as well as those who have already been forced to do so.

  • West of Scotland Child Protection Procedures

    These West of Scotland Child Protection Inter-agency procedures are for all staff working within the West of Scotland Consortium areas. Everyone has a duty and responsibility to protect all children from harm. These procedures are to assist staff in identifying indicators which might suggest that a child is being abused or is at risk of abuse, advise what steps should be taken if there are concerns about a child, and describe what happens once concerns have been reported. The procedures also outline initial enquiries and investigations, Child Protection meetings and conferences and the range of possible resulting actions and outcomes

  • West of Scotland Practitioner Portfolio Working with Resistance

    This guidance makes clear Ministers’ expectations of Chief Officers in fulfilling their responsibilities in respect of child protection and how CPCs across Scotland, as key local inter-agency bodies, contribute to the delivery of the child protection agenda.