You have a right to expect a good quality of care from any home, regardless of who runs it.  All homes are registered, which means they must meet certain standards of care.  To make sure that they continue to meet these standards, every home is regularly inspected by the Care Inspectorate.  You can download a copy of our inspection reports, as well as the reports for the voluntary and private homes from the Care Inspectorate.

You might like to think about the following things when you are considering moving into a care home and during you trail visit:

Location - Is the care home near enough to your family and friends?  What about local access to a GP, medical centre or other healthcare services such as the dentist or optometrist?

Facilities- Can the care home provide you with your own room if you do not want to share with anyone?  Can you bring some of your own furniture and possessions?

Maintenance - Are the rooms and communal areas clean and well cared for?  Is the furniture and equipment in good repair and suitable for your needs?

Staff  - Are the staff friendly and helpful? Do they welcome your questions and try to answer them as fully as possible?

Most homes have their own websites with summary information about what they provide and you can call them for a copy of their current brochure, a copy of their residency agreement and their latest Care Inspectorate inspection report.

You are entitled to make at least one visit which will enable you see the home and its surrounding and talk to people who live there and the members of staff, all of which may enable you to make an informed choice.

You may also be able to arrange a trial stay in the care home you are considering, to see if it is the right one for you.