The equalities group aims are to

  • Build understanding of the common issues and interests shared by communities and protected groups, across all members of the forum
  • Build understanding, tackle prejudice and foster good relations between protected groups.
  • To act as a joint consultation and involvement group on equality and fairness, between community equality groups and voluntary, public sector organisations, and positively influence policies and practice
  • Help develop the overall equalities agenda in the WD area, recognising that equality and fairness is a mainstream issue
  • Act as a shared ‘critical friend’ to all parties
  • Encourage and support more diverse membership of community groups and wider participation in general

Group members below:

Contact Role
Margaret-Jane Cardno Head of Strategy and Transformation (Chair)
Aileen O'Gorman MSK Physiotherapy Manager
Fiona Heggie Service Manager for Retinal Screening
John Burns  Service Improvement Lead
Laura Evans Service Improvement Lead
Ailsa King Health Improvement Lead
Karen Marshall Improvement Officer
Sean Taylor Senior Social Worker
Sharon Fitzpatrick Team Lead Children Services
Lisa McRae Policy Assistant


Are you an employee or local organisation and would like to join this group?

The group meets every month to discuss how equality can be further embedded into WDHSCP.

Please contact and or for more information.