Information on the different charges for public and self-funded residents residing in Local Authority, Private and Voluntary Homes:

Local Authority Residential Homes:

Residential Clients:                               £1277.00 per week from 8 April 2024 *

Independent Care Homes:

Public Funded Residential Clients:          £825.94 per week minus client contribution

Self-Funded Residential Clients:             £248.70 per week (Free Personal Care Payment)

Public Funded Nursing Clients:               £957.57 per week minus client contribution

Self-Funded Nursing Clients:                  £350.60 per week (Free Personal &
                                                                           Nursing Care Payment)**

**Please note that Independent Care Homes may charge a higher rate for residents placed under Free Personal & Nursing Care and this rate will be identified by the Care Home.

The gross rates for Independent Care Homes are based on the National Care Home Contract rates and do not include any quality award payments which can be awarded to individual homes based on the grades given by the Care Inspectorate.  These can equate to a maximum of £3.00 per week for nursing homes and £2.50 per week for residential homes.

Client contributions

The actual rate payable by clients entering care will be determined by a financial assessment and a means tested financial calculation.

* Local Authority - For clients with capital above £35,000 rate payable will be £1277.00 minus the Free Personal Care payment of £248.70 per week (if applicable) = £1028.30 per week.  

Free Personal & Nursing Care rates change on 1st April each year.

To receive the Free Personal & Nursing Care payment of £248.70 or £350.60 per week you must be eligible and assessed by the Council.