You, or someone acting on your behalf, need to carry out an assessment of your needs. If we think a care home is the best option, we will help you to arrange one that is right for you.
Before we can arrange any payment towards the cost of a care home placement we must assess your needs. Any payments towards a care home place can only be made from, or backdated to the date an assessment is completed. It is important you ask for assessment before deciding on moving to a care home.
If the decision is that you have a need to move from your home, we will consider whether you are eligible for assistance with paying for housing costs.
Care costs are related to individual financial circumstances. In the course of your assessment we will be able to provide you with more detailed information. Social Care and Health staff will make every effort to explain, and help your through the financial aspects of moving from your own home.
Your options when leaving your own home are:
When you contact us, we will carry out an assessment of your needs, this is about helping you to make the best choice for your future.