The School Nursing service is a targeted, referral based service for children and young people with recognised or suspected unmet needs requiring additional support. This service is utilised for children and young people with particular needs based on three current pathways; Child protection, Emotional health & wellbeing and Transitions (mainly to schools). Referrals are accepted from parents/guardians, by self-referral or from other agencies.
The key aim of West Dunbartonshire HSCP School Nursing Service is to provide an assessment of need, individualised care plan and time limited therapeutic intervention to children and young people. The Service works in an integrated way, with other services in order to identify the most appropriate service, avoid duplication and sign post children and families when a School Nursing intervention is completed or not indicated. In addition to the pathway work, a national screening programme (Hall 4) determines National Public Health measures to be undertaken. In school children this includes primary 1 height and weight, and BMI Measurement and for Primary 7 pupils an orthoptic screening.
The School Nursing Team is based in Dumbarton Health centre and can be contacted on 01389 811800