Whatever your professional role, you play an important part in protecting children and young people in West Dunbartonshire. As a professional, you have the following responsibilities: 

  • to be aware of your organisation’s child protection policies and procedures
  • to be alert to indicators of concern in children and young people you come into contact with
  • to respond to concerns you have about a child by acting in accordance with your organisation’s procedures.

If you suspect a child or young person may be at risk of harm, you have a duty to report this following your organisations procedures.   You should do so without delay either to your line manager, to Social Work Services or to the Police.

It is important that children and young people are listened to and taken seriously when they tell adults what is happening to them. The most important things to remember are -

  • To listen
  • To explain to the child/young person that you will require to pass the information on in order that they get the help and support they need
  • To pass on the information given to you by the child/young person timeously

In some instances, you may notice a child or young person has an injury which causes you to be concerned.  In these circumstances,

  • It is ok to ask a child what happened, and allow them to tell you without being interrupted or questioned further
  • Explain to the child/young person that you need to pass the information on so they get the help and support they need
  • Pass on the information given to you by the child/young person timeously to your line manager or Social Work Services

Remember; it is important that you do not make promises you cannot keep; for example if a child asks you not to tell anyone else, you cannot agree to this.

The following National Guidance can support you in fulfilling these responsibilities –

National Guidance for child protection in Scotland (2021, Updated 2023)

Supporting documents - National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021 - updated 2023 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)


Getting it Right for Every Child Scotland (2023)

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Harmful sexual behaviour resources

HSB framework and audit | NSPCC Learning